Categories: Birth preparation, Vlog

by Imke Albrecht

Quark wraps are quick and easy to make, cost next to nothing and are wonderfully cooling. But when do you need them as a breastfeeding woman?

When do you need curd wraps?

As a breastfeeding consultant, I find that curd compresses are best for mastitis, an inflammation of the mammary glands.

You need 2 household cloths per wrap, fold them twice and tear out a small hole in the middle for the nipple.

Then unfold the sheets and spread a thin layer of curd cheese on the paper. A sheet of household paper is placed on top again so that there is as little “mess” as possible. I do not recommend spreading the curd directly on the breast. It is then a real pain to wash the dried curd off again.

It is best to lie down as a woman, which you should do anyway if you need a curd wrap. Mastitis is not to be trifled with and you should and want to have peace and quiet.

A “Nuschi”, a gauze cloth placed over the chest, also prevents it from getting too drippy. When the wrap gets warm, you can spray it again with water to prevent it from drying out and put it back in the fridge. If you men make a small batch of several quark wraps at once, that will be enough for the day.

Alternative to curd wraps

If the curd story is too complicated for you, try cabbage leaves. The leaves of the white cabbage are already shaped to suit the breast and if you store the head in a cool place and remove individual leaves, you have a very uncomplicated, cooling and also anti-inflammatory poultice.

Kabis, you men, should be on your shopping list when you bring your wives home from the hospital. Because that is usually the day when the breasts suddenly seem to explode. The amount of milk increases, but above all the body shoots lymph fluid into the interstitial tissue and for women this feels like after a breast operation with too much silicone. Cooling is a blessing. And when you come round the corner with cabbage and quark wraps, then you really are heroes for your wives.

In the video tutorial I show you how it works with the quark.



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