Birth preparation courses Zurich

More than birth preparation

In my opinion, birth preparation takes place onthree levels: the physical, the intellectual and the mental. I offer you a course for all three levels to prepare you holistically for the birth of your child.

For the physical level, I recommend my pregnancy yoga classes. For the intellectual level, I offer you practice-oriented birth preparation courses of varying scope. All birth preparation courses take place in Zurich Albisrieden or at your home (private courses only).

Die Hebamme Imke Albrecht zeigt mit einer Puppe die Anatomie bei der Geburt.

In German and English

A practical course

My antenatal classes in Zurich are courses that prepare you in a practical way for the birth, but also forlife with your baby. I offer courses in German and English.

We discuss the following practical topics in the courses:

  • Preparations during the last weeks before the birth
  • Birth process
  • Dealing with contractions
  • Role of the partner
  • Hospitalization
  • Postpartum
  • Breastfeeding

In addition, all course participants receive access to my app with in-depth information and exercises.

Reviews of antenatal classes

Katherine Agapitos Avatar
Katherine Agapitos
Apr 2024
My husband and I recently did Imke's 1-day birth preparation course in English in Zurich. We had a very positive experience thanks to her relaxed and open approach. She also customized the course contents to meet our specific needs. There was ample time for questions and discussion due to the small group size. The amount of information was just right and we left feeling much more relaxed about the birth process. In addition to Imke's course, I am also doing an online hypnobirthing course with a different provider to learn strategies for childbirth. Although helpful, I found that the hypnobirthing approach placed a bit too much emphasis on natural, home births without medication, which actually left me feeling a little bit more scared about the birth process. After doing Imke's course, I feel much more reassured and know that I have many options which can include a blend of different approaches including hypnobirthing techniques as well as services provided in hospital. Imke provided the right balance between all the options without putting pressure. We highly recommend Imke's courses for first-time future parents!
María López Santamaría Avatar
María López Santamaría
Apr 2024
We met Imke at the English antenatal class in Triemli Hospital . As first time parents we were quite anxious and had low expectations that the hospital antenatal class might help, but Imke was fantastic. The day was really reassuring and calming for both my husband and I . Imke shared lots of facts and information and covered all of the topics where we had questions in a very professional way. She shared practical information and helped us feel familiar with the process, the birthing room and the tools to approach the birth and the first weeks with the baby. 100% recommend her. I wish we had more time with her. I already have my Hebamme but I will definitely get in touch as I’m sure we will need more help with the baby! Thank you Imke!
Ana Garcia Avatar
Ana Garcia
Feb 2024
I was one of the lucky people on having Imke not only as my midwife but also as our teacher on our childbirth course (August 2023). The course helped me a lot to be more relaxed for labour and as a 1st time mum I had a lot of questions - I am super grateful for having Imke as my midwife to help me with them. She already helped us with so many topics, from first bad, diaper changes, sleep, food, breastfeeding crisis, and so much more that I did not know about before. A big thank you to Imke for the support that she provides to the parents and the baby, I will be forever grateful for all the help that we received. Imke managed to make us more comfortable and less stressed with a new member at home 🥰

Birth preparation courses Zurich

Day course in the group


The day course is a comprehensive birth preparation course for pregnant couples covering all aspects of birth and the days/weeks after the birth.

When & where

  • Course in German | every Sunday | 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. | GZ Bachwiesen Albisrieden

  • Course in English | every Saturday | 10 am – 5 pm | GZ Bachwiesen Albisrieden


CHF 490.-* per pair

*The basic insurance pays CHF 150, supplementary insurances pay up to 70 % of the remaining costs. On presentation of the Kulturlegi you will receive a 50% discount.

Course content

Preparation for the birth:

  • Preparatory measures in the last few weeks
  • Pelvic floor and perineal preparation etc.

Birth process

  • Start of birth at home
  • When should you go to hospital?
  • Natural birth process
  • Anatomy, phases and duration of birth

Dealing with contractions

  • Breathing
  • Positions and movements
  • Handling and strategies for labor

Role of the partner

  • How can I as a partner support my wife?
  • What is my role?


  • What are the hospital routines and procedures like?
  • What options do we have in hospital?
  • What painkillers can we use if necessary?
  • When and how do you perform a caesarean section or a vacuum? Information for a reassuring feeling in all situations!

Your questions

Of course we will answer all your questions!


  • First breastfeeding
  • Stay in the postnatal ward

First weeks at home

  • Detailed case studies from my everyday life as a postpartum midwife

such as:

  • “First nights – sleeping”
  • Breastfeeding: various case studies such as “sore nipples”, “too little milk/too much milk” etc.
  • Role of the father
  • Screaming behavior
  • Basics on care, handling, carrying, postnatal care such as postnatal recovery, wound healing

My app also offers lots of material on all these topics to accompany you through the weeks before and after the birth.

Included in the course


In Zurich Albisrieden or at your home

Private birth preparation

Private Geburtsvorbereitungskurse in gemütlicher Atmosphäre bei Imke Albrecht


An approx. 3-hour private course with me or at your home.

The content of this course is the same as the crash course, but we focus on your individual wishes and topics. Most couples come to me and I make us comfortable. I would also be happy to pack my projector, birthing stool, dolls and basin and everything else and we can do the course at your place.

When & where

By individual arrangement

Online participation

We are happy to conduct this course via Zoom.


CHF 570.- per pair*

*The basic insurance pays CHF 150, supplementary insurances pay up to 70 % of the remaining costs. On presentation of the Kulturlegi you will receive a 50% discount.

Course content

By individual arrangement

Included in the course

Request private birth preparation course

I will get back to you as soon as possible following your request.

The Giving Birth Together app

Added value with my app

When you book a birth preparation course with me, you get access to my Giving Birth Together app, which gives you lots of other valuable tips and information.