Categories: Birth preparation, Vlog

by Imke Albrecht

In each of my antenatal classes here in Zurich, we discuss the hay flower steam bath. A hay flower steam bath can be part of a nice physical and mental birth preparation for you in the last month before the birth. As a midwife with a male gynecologist, I didn’t take a childbirth preparation course myself, but some birth preparation was also important for me as a woman and this hay flower steam bath was a part of that that I really liked.

Perineal preparation is not such a pleasant thing in itself. But if you like saunas and steam baths, you will also like hay flower steam baths.

How does a hay flower steam bath work?

You brew a handful of dried hay flowers with boiling water and place the pot in the toilet or bidet and sit over it. Done. A hay flower steam bath is that simple. The hot steam makes the tissue soft and elastic, the vessels dilate and open up, which increases blood circulation. The hay flower steam bath is the perfect preparation for the perineum massage or training with the Epino. The hay flowers enhance the effect of vasodilation and increased blood circulation. But to be honest: a steam bath is of course also possible without hay flowers. You can also take sitz baths with the herbal decoction. But I find the hotter steam version more effective.

I recommend these sitz baths from 37+0 weeks’ gestation. Not before, as the hay flower vapors can possibly and only in rare cases trigger or intensify contractions. From 37+0 weeks gestation your children are at the appointment and are welcome to come. You can also use the hay flower baths to stimulate labor after the appointment.


I would not recommend the hay flower steam bath for varicose veins in the vagina and hemorrhoids, as the symptoms may increase. However, I definitely recommend preparing the perineum with massage or Epino. The only thing that won’t do you any good is the humid heat.

If you are allergic to hay flowers, you may unfortunately have an allergic reaction to the sitz bath!

I highly recommend that you use this time of preparing your perineum to mentally prepare for the birth. While you are taking the hay flower steam bath, you could, for example, try to concentrate on your breathing, really relax your pelvic floor and think about what you want to think about during the birth. What positive phrases, images and emotions do you want to pack in your “emotional rucksack” for the birth? Sounds a bit strange, but in my opinion it is essential. And a hay flower steam bath can be a wonderful moment for this.

We discuss this in the course and in the online module of my app you have the opportunity to delve deeper into the topic at home. If, in the end, all the preparation has been to no avail and you do end up with a perineal injury, you can find tips and care for your perineum here

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